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Vaccination: Difference between Live Vaccine and Inactivated Vaccine

Info by MediMan | 2014-02-10 at 17:38

The principle of a vaccination is as follows: consciously, the body is confronted with a pathogen such as bacteria or viruses. However, in a form that it just not come to an outbreak of disease. Nevertheless, the body begins to create immune substances and antibodies against the pathogen and remembers the results. Thus, if the body gets in contact with the pathogen in future, it is already prepared and protected.

There are two different types of vaccines: live vaccines and inactivated vaccines.

Live Vaccines

For live vaccines, the body is delivered with minor amounts of the functional living pathogenic agent. The living pathogens should be so weak that they can still breed but are no longer capable of onset the disease. Typical live vaccines are vaccinations against pox, measles, mumps, rubella, influenza, typhoid and tuberculosis.

Inactivated Vaccines

In contrast, inactivated vaccines consist of killed viruses or bacteria or merely of constituents of the pathogen. The vaccine should be dimensioned that the dose is not dangerous but nevertheless is sufficient to elicit an immune response, so that antibodies are initiated. Typical inactivated vaccines are vaccinations against influenza, cholera, hepatitis A or hepatitis B.


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