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What is falling faster in a vacuum: A ball or a feather?

Assuming, we have a ball and a feather and drop them next to each other in a vacuum, what would fall faster? The ball or the feather? Our physics...

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Centripetal Force and Centrifugal Force: What is the Difference?

I have a small problem in my physics lessons. Repeatedly, I confuse the two forces "centripetal force" and "centrifugal force". Can someone explain...

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Difference between Volt, Watt and Ampere

Can anyone explain the difference between watt, voltage and...

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Local Gravity on the Moon

Everybody knows since the sixth grade that the mean local gravity (gravitational acceleration) on earth is 9.81 m/s² (at the equator it is slightly...

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Local Gravity for different Places and Planets

In this article I would like to contrast the local gravity also known as the local mass difference, the location factor, the gravitational...

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Why is the local gravity at the poles greater than at the equator?

The local gravity or the gravitational acceleration is not identical at different places on earth. The biggest difference seems to be between a...

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New Answers and Comments

Chemox: A ball and a feather are falling at exactly the same speed in a vacuum. Normally, you would be right with your assumption that the ball is faster,...

Question | What is falling faster in a vacuum: A ball or a feather?

Square: The centrifugal force comes from the Latin words centrum = middle and fugere = flee. So, it's fleeing from the middle. The centripetal force...

Question | Centripetal Force and Centrifugal Force: What is the Difference?

Chemox: All three terms are related to electricity. Depending on what you want to measure you take one or them. Each are units in which a certain amount of...

Question | Difference between Volt, Watt and Ampere

Chemox: Let's say you're in a carousel that's spinning in circles. This is also the place where you as a human being can feel the two forces...

Question | Centripetal Force and Centrifugal Force: What is the Difference?

Science5000: The local gravity respectively location factor on the surface of the moon is 1.62 m/s². This makes the same object about six times lighter on the...

Question | Local Gravity on the Moon

Science5000: There are two main reasons for that: The centrifugal force and the equatorial bulge. As we all know, our earth rotates around its own axis, the axis...

Question | Why is the local gravity at the poles greater than at the equator?

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Local Gravity on the Moon

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