33 Votes

Add File Extension to multiple Files without Extension

Question by Mail Request | Last update on 2024-03-05 | Created on 2013-06-01

How can I add a file extension to files with a missing extension using the tool FileRenamer? It seems that the filter is not creating this selection automatically. Although I was able to filter the files without extension during the file pre-selection, it seems that there was no renaming performed.

Specifically, it is about Internet links which ending ".url" got lost.

Originally, this mail request was written in German language and was sent to us over our contact form. Because this topic is also relevant to the English public, we have translated it. Here, you can find the original mail.

6Best Answer6 Votes

Just try the following steps with the program. This should do your work:

  1. Add the files to the list in the File Renamer available for Windows, macOS and Linux
  2. Activate the option "Changes > Name > Mask" on the right
  3. Type "%name%.url" into the field "Mask"
  4. Use the preview in the file list to look whether all is like it should be, then you can click on "Apply Changes"

With this, your desired file extension should be added to the name of the file.

With "%name%", the old name of the file is taken and the ".url" behind "%name%" effects that these characters are appended to the old name. Of course, instead of ".url", you can also use any other file extension for renaming.

If your file list contains both files with a file extension and files without a file extension, but you only want to edit the files without a file extension, you can alternatively also use the function Changes > Extension > Search and Replace. Here you search for ^$, replace with your desired file extension and activate the option "Interpret as regular expression". With this search you specifically only search for files without a file extension, so that all other files remain unchanged.
Last update on 2024-03-05 | Created on 2013-06-01

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