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Airplane: Laptop in hand luggage?

Question by Guest | 2018-01-12 at 14:35

My employer forces me to be available for certain tasks even on vacation. So I have to take my laptop with me on my next journey with a plane.

I really dislike the idea to put the device into my suitcase, because I fear that the computer could break therein (the cases are often treated very rudely on airports).

Therefore, I want to ask if it is generally possible to take a laptop in hand luggage on the plane. Indeed, I honestly can not imagine that this could be allowed. Liquids are forbidden and much less dangerous than a laptop (because you can install and hide everything in it).

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Laptops, tablet computers and netbooks are indeed allowed in hand luggage and can be taken along without a problem.

I have often traveled with a laptop in my hand luggage and this has never been a problem.

Most of the time, they just asked me to take the laptop out of its case and to put it in an own box at the security checkpoint. Presumably, the laptop is thoroughly screened and checked to make sure that you have not built or put something forbidden into the laptop.

What I find more disturbing, however, is that one of my friends has traveled to the USA with a laptop and the security people have disappeared to the back office there with the laptop for a while. I would not be surprised if a copy of the data was done there. So I would not leave explosive or controversial data on the laptop.
2018-01-13 at 14:21

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