00 Votes

Android SDK Manager: Problem with installing packages "File not Found (Access is denied) Done. Nothing was installed"

Question by Guest | 2012-10-21 at 19:16

I want the Android SDK Manager to perform the updates of some packages. However, it always comes to the error message that any file was not found. Here is an excerpt from the log:

Preparing to install archives
Downloading Intel x86 Atom System Image, Android API 16, revision 1
File not found: 
 C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\temp\sysimg_x86-16_r01.zip
 (Access is denied)
Downloading Mips System Image, Android API 16, revision 1
File not found: 
 C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\temp\sysimg_mips-16_r01.zip
 (Access is denied)
Downloading Google APIs, Android API 16, revision 2
File not found: 
 C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\temp\google_apis-16_r02.zip
 (Access is denied)
Downloading Google USB Driver, revision 7
File not found: 
 C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\temp\usb_driver_r07-windows.zi
 (Access is denied)
Done. Nothing was installed.

Can someone help me? Incidentally, I am using Windows 7, if that's important to find the fault.

0Best Answer2 Votes

To make it work, you need to run the program as an administrator, to give the application the required access rights:

  • Click the right mouse button on the program "SDK Manager"
  • Select "Run as Administrator"
  • Confirm the dialog

Now, updates should be possible.


If you want to run the program permanently as administrator, you can follow the instructions given in my tutorial Run Program as Administrator. With this, you can let the program always automatically run as an administrator and you do not need to choose it every time anew.
2012-10-22 at 02:43

ReplyPositive Negative
02 Votes

I tried this to run as an administrator but nothing happens.

Tell me any another option to run android sdk manager.
2014-10-01 at 13:33

Positive Negative
-11 Vote

What is happening instead?

Please provide us with some more information.

Are there the error messages?
2014-10-01 at 20:30

Positive Negative
35 Votes

In the sdk manager go to tools menu and select options or settings and check (Force https://)
after that close the program and run it as Administrator or run it without administrator its will work .
2014-04-02 at 01:40

ReplyPositive Negative

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