00 Votes

Are you secretly weighed in a plane?

Question by Guest | Last update on 2021-05-06 | Created on 2012-12-25

Theoretically, both, captain and airline have to know how heavily their aircraft is, in order to get started. For example, to get the required amount of fuel calculated and to know how much has to be fueled.

In this point, the weight of the passengers seems to be not irrelevant. But up to now, I was never weighed at the airport. So, is that done secretly?

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Do not worry. At least until my last state of knowledge this is not currently practice. Although, of course, I think the airlines are capable of doing so.

Usually, the operators are calculating based on an average weight of 84 kg per passenger, including hand baggage, that is an average value between the light and heavy passengers. With this, the weight of the aircraft is calculated, and of course they will also have a certain error tolerance involved.
Last update on 2021-05-06 | Created on 2012-12-25

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