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Arguments against Permanent Make-Up?

Question by Guest | 2015-12-19 at 10:03

I am just considering whether permanent makeup could make sense for me. Up to now, I am the only seeing the advantages, especially the great time savings each woman gets.

However, isn't there also the negative side? Any problems that can occur? What is speaking against getting a permanent makeup tattoo? I am curious about your answers.

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First, it is of course important that you are applying your permanent makeup hygienic and with a professional. Otherwise it can quickly lead to inflammation, infection, scars, herpes, allergic reactions or swelling. I think that this is the greatest risk and also the biggest reason that would argue against permanent makeup.

Otherwise, certain skin types, for example, heavily pigmented, may not be suitable for permanent makeup. You should definitely speak with the beautician about his individual case and skin before the treatment.

Women currently receiving medical treatment or women having of the medical suffers, first should talk with their doctor  whether permanent makeup is suitable for them.

Also for women going often into the sun or the tanning saloon, permanent makeup is less suitable. The UV light make the pigments fade or even discolor. So, the brown eyebrow may quickly become a blue one.

And what I certainly do not have to mention: women that like to wear an other make up each day, of course, would benefit little from permanent makeup. Of course, you can always cover the permanent makeup with some other makeup, but it would not be the best investment in this case.
2015-12-19 at 11:17

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