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Batch Script: Open multiple Files simultaneously without waiting

Question by Compi | 2017-09-26 at 15:20

I would like to open multiple text files with the Windows Editor at the same time. I have created the following Batch Script for this task:

notepad C:\Folder\File1.txt
notepad C:\Folder\File2.txt
notepad C:\Folder\File3.txt
notepad C:\Folder\File4.txt
notepad C:\Folder\File5.txt

The problem with this script is, that the batchscript opens the first file with the Editor correctly, but not the second file coincidentally. Every time, the script is waiting for the Editor to close before it proceeds with opening the next file.

However, I want to open all files simultaneously in 5 different Editor windows. How to make the script not to stop?

0Best Answer0 Votes

Just insert the command "start" before each command.

This will make your script look like this:

start notepad C:\Folder\File1.txt
start notepad C:\Folder\File2.txt
start notepad C:\Folder\File3.txt
start notepad C:\Folder\File4.txt
start notepad C:\Folder\File5.txt

With this, all files should be opened immediately and successively without waiting for the Editor closing.
2017-09-26 at 18:10

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