-22 Votes

Contact Lenses: Which strength do I need?

Question by Guest | 2012-08-23 at 17:47

I would like to wear contact lenses and have already found a website where I can order them cheaply.

However, I have no idea, what strength I need for the lenses. Can I measure that by myself at home somehow? I can't be bothered to go to an optician.

1Best Answer1 Vote

If you want to wear contact lenses seriously and you do not want to get problems with your eyes in the long term, there is no way without going to an optometrist or even better to an eye doctor!

I went to the eye doctor and he has highly professional determined what strength I need for the lenses, which can be different from your glasses strength, as the glasses are further away from the eye!

Then, you get a piece of paper where everything is written on it and you know your real strength. With self-experimentation, you can not find out your strength reasonable and what is so bad on a visit at the people who are doing nothing else the whole day?

In addition, I would then buy at least the first couple of lenses there, so that they can explain it to you in the right way. When I was there, they exlained me everything about the hygiene properly and how to set the lenses into the eye correctly. Furthermore, I got test lenses there and had to try with them, until they were inside. I think, if I had just got the lenses by post, that would had gone wrong!
2012-08-25 at 10:17

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00 Votes

I completely agree with Lipstick! Let it determine by a professional, else it will go wrong with safety! You alone will not be able to determine the strength and it really makes no sense to buy 10 lenses and to try them sequentially.

Get advise, they do not tear your head and after that, you will be a lot wiser!
2012-08-26 at 10:54

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