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Convert Fractions into Percentages

Question by Guest | 2016-10-27 at 16:18

I have to convert some fractions to their corresponding percentages for a piece of homework. The task is for example that fractions like 1/2, 1/5, 1/4 or 2/5 are given and I have to say whether the fraction corresponds to for example 10, 20 or 30 percent.

I am despairing. How can I calculate this assignment?

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That is quite easy: percent means nothing else than "per 100". Accordingly, 1 percent is 1 per 100 or in writing of fractions 1/100. So, you only have to bring the denominator of your fractions to 100 and you can see in the numerator of the fraction to how many percent this fraction corresponds.

Here are some examples:

1/2 = 1:2 = 0.5    0,5 *100 = 50%   (50/100)
1/5 = 1:5 = 0.2    0,2 *100 = 20%   (20/100)
1/4 = 1:4 = 0.25   0,25*100 = 25%   (25/100)
2/5 = 2:5 = 0.4    0,4 *100 = 40%   (40/100)

First, we are dividing numerator by the denominator. Then we are multiplying by 100. In other words, first are theoretically bringing the fraction to a numerator of 1, so that we can better extrapolate. So, 1/2 is thereby becoming 0.5/1 what can easily be multiplied by 100 so that we are coming to a numerator of 100.
2016-10-27 at 22:19

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