00 Votes

Count all Digrams and Trigrams of a Text including not occuring Syllables

Question by Mail Request | 2016-04-07 at 12:16

I am using the character counter from the application WordCreator in order to count the number and frequencies of all digrams and trigrams (2 pair letters and 3 pairs letters) from texts.

Is it possible to include all possible digrams and trigrams into the result even if the corresponding digram or trigram is not part of the text?

That means: I would like to have the frequencies starting with AA over AB, AC up to ZZ (respectively the frequencies from AAA to ZZZ) also in case that the text is not containing those syllables (frequencies including zero frequencies). Is this possible?

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That is possible using the following settings in the application:

  • Ensure to check "Digrams" or "Trigrams" in "Settings > Counter" in the section "What should be counted".
  • Go to "Settings > Counter Output" and activate the option "Always add characters from Only the following characters will be counted".
  • Go to "Settings > Counter Characters" and activate the option "Only the following characters will be counted". The box below can be filled with all characters from which the digrams and trigrams that are counted should be built. In your case this is ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.

Keep in mind: The more character combinations should be included, the longer the list will be and the longer it will take to create the output. With including the letters A-Z, there are 17576 different trigrams. If you would like to take uppercase and lowercase letters into account, there are even 195112 combinations.
2016-04-07 at 12:23

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