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Do Pepsi, Fanta and Sprite really belong to Coca Cola?

Question by Guest | 2016-09-28 at 01:21

Yesterday on a birthday party, one of my colleagues claimed that great beverage brands such as Pepsi, Fanta and Sprite actually belong to the Coca Cola Company behind the scenes. Furthermore he claimed that even Bonaqa and Apollinaris are belonging to Coca Cola!

I really could not believe that. Is it true or just a rumor?

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Pepsi Cola is the biggest competitor of Coca Cola, therefore Pepsi is not part of the Coca Cola Group. The other drink brands you have mentioned (Fanta, Sprite, Bonaqa and Apollinaris) really belong to the Coca Cola Company.

If you do not believe that, you can prove it quite easily: look at the labels and stickers on the bottles, you should find a note about the Coca Cola Company there.
2016-09-28 at 22:17

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