22 Votes

Excel: How to enter Line Break within Cell

Question by HomeMan | Last update on 2022-07-27 | Created on 2015-02-12

Recently, I got a Microsoft Excel document (XLXS format) in which there was a linebreak included in one of the fields. I was very surprised to see that, because normally, the content of Excel cells are only written in one line.

Of course, I have tried to create my own line break within a cell, but whenever pressing the enter key, Excel only jumps to the next cell instead of typing a line jump.

How is it possible to write two lines into one cell of the table? Is there any trick for multiline fields in Excel?

2Best Answer2 Votes

Just pressing the enter key only makes Excel to jump to the field below.

In order to create a line break within a cell, you have to press ALT + ENTER simultaneously.

However, when using OpenOffice or LibreOffice, you have to use another key combination. Here, you can learn more about that.
Last update on 2022-07-27 | Created on 2015-02-12

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