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Facebook Error: "Account Temporarily Unavailable" - Account hacked?

Question by Guest | 2014-06-07 at 16:55

Today I got a strange error message when trying to use Facebook. It was:

Account Temporarily Unavailable.

Your account is currently unavailable due to a site issue. We expect this to be resolved shortly. Please try again in a few minutes.

When scrolling down the timeline, sometimes suddenly this error appeared on a new page, sometimes only one second after that, the timeline was visible again.

Yesterday it was not possible for a long time to visit Facebook at all.

Does someone know some more information about this issue? Is it possible that someone has hacked my account and is now doing mischief there?

0Best Answer2 Votes

No need to worry, this can happen from time to time.

I think that Facebook is providing some updates are maintenance work on the website. If this work is finished, the error message should go away, too. Another reason could be that the Facebook server are overloaded at the moment or that there are other reasons that they cannot respond. Also this goes by.

If the error message continues, try to empty your browser cache and the cookies.

In the case your account was hacked, this message would not appear.
2014-06-09 at 21:10

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