02 Votes

Filelist Creator: Filtering out

Question by Guest | 2021-02-22 at 01:49

Is it possible to filter folder names out, rather than filter them in? Thx

00 Votes

Not yet.

I could think about a "Reverse" option in the "Filter > Name" dialog. Is that what you are thinking about or what do you have in mind?
2021-02-22 at 16:09

ReplyPositive Negative
00 Votes

I was thinking about a dialog box enabling you to list folders (more than one) that you do not want in the listings. Perhaps a tab in the filter dialog called exclude? Not sure about the UI.
2021-02-22 at 22:40

ReplyPositive Negative
11 Vote

Do you mean that if a folder is listed in the "exclude list", files from that folder will not be listed? Or should it only apply to the listing of folder names in the list?
2021-02-23 at 04:42

ReplyPositive Negative
11 Vote

My feeling is that 'exclude folders' and 'exclude files' would be two different concepts with separate dialogues. Personally, I'm interested in the 'exclude folders' option. Thx
2021-02-23 at 07:50

Positive Negative

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