22 Votes

FileRenamer: Delete Spaces from the End of many File Names

Question by Guest | 2024-03-11 at 18:09

I have a lot of files that can have unwanted spaces at the end of their file name (i.e. between the name and the ending of the file).

How can I remove this whitespace without having to rename each file individually?

2Best Answer2 Votes

For this task, you can simply activate the option "Remove Spaces from the Beginning and the End" in the File Renamer.

You can find this option on the right side of the program under "Changes > Name > Truncate". After you have added your files to the file list in the program, and if both the "Truncate" category as well as the option "Remove Spaces from the Beginning and the End" are activated, you can click on the button "Apply Changes" at the bottom right to delete the spaces from the end of all file names currently in the list.
2024-03-11 at 22:17

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