00 Votes

Firefox: Add-Ons disappeared

Question by SimplyMe | 2016-11-07 at 10:55

I could cry! When I opened my Firefox browser today, already at my first glance everything looked so empty! On the second look, I saw what was missing there: all of the icons and symbols of the add-ons and browser functions were vanished without a trace!

Only the address bar, the search window and the forward and back navigation were left to me, the rest was gone!

What can I do to recover the old state or get each symbol and icon back somehow?

-2Best Answer2 Votes

Of course, I can only speculate what happened there.

However, I can give you three advices what you can do now.

  • First, you should type "about:addonsinto the address bar. Then, have a look at "Extensions" whether your AddOns are still installed at all. Sometimes it can happen that after an update of Firefox, some AddOns are not working anymore because they are not compatible with the new version. If necessary, you have to install your old extensions again or you have to look for alternatives.
  • Next, you should click somewhere on an empty place right to the address bar with your right mouse button. This opens a context menu in which you should click on "Customize". In the window opening than you can find a list of all icons available. You can just drag the symbols with your mouse at the place they belong.
  • If you want, there is also a button Restore Defaults in said window. With this button you can recover the default arrangement of all buttons again.

Of course, this is annoying and it can be very very much work to build up a browser grown over the years again or to try to get the old state back. Nevertheless, I hope that I could help you with my tip a little bit.
2016-11-07 at 17:22

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