22 Votes

Firefox: Carry open tabs to another computer

Question by Guest | 2012-08-29 at 22:08

In Firefox, I have the habit to let all of my important websites, that I am visiting often or that I would like to visit later in open tabs, in order to "save" them in this way. That means, I just let the tabs open and I have set Firefox, so that the page is not loaded until the tab is activated.

However, I have now the problem that I want to transfer my programs to a new computer. And of course, I do not want to lose my tabs. Is there any way to make a backup of the tabs or to make it, that I can take the open tabs to the other computer?

The whole thing was super hard work. I hope, you can help me! I do not want to open all the tabs (around 100) again by hand!

2Best Answer2 Votes

Just right click on the tabs in Firefox. With this, an option like "Bookmark all Tabs" or something like that will be displayed.

You do that and you create a new bookmark folder with all of your tabs. Go to the menu and "Bookmarks". There is a function called "Backup", with which you can save all of your bookmarks to a file.

This file with a file extension of *.json or *.html, you can move to the new computer and then open it with "Import Bookmarks" in the bookmarks menu from the new Firefox.

Now you have imported all of your tabs as bookmarks and you can right-click on the bookmark folder with those tabs and select "Open All Bookmarks as Tab". This will open all the bookmarks in your chosen folder as a tab and you have your tabs again on the new computer.
2012-08-31 at 11:42

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22 Votes

The open tabs and all other settings are stored in the folder "profile" in the Firefox installation. Simply copy the folder from the old to the new installation and overwrite all files. So you can also take over all your tabs.

I have explained this issue in my tip about moving the Firefox settings in detail.
2012-08-31 at 17:10

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