22 Votes

Football EC: When will the 3rd place match take place?

Question by Franko | Last update on 2024-02-23 | Created on 2016-07-06

I have just looked at my planner for the European Football Championship to look up the date for the third place match.

However, the designers of my planner seem to have forgotten the corresponding field (really stupid, I would have previously had to pay attention to it).

Can someone tell me when the game will take place?

2Best Answer2 Votes

I can reassure you, they have not forgotten the field. Today, there is only a third place match at the football world championships.

At the European Football Championships, the third place was only determined between 1960 and 1980, thereafter this match was abolished and has not been reintroduced to date.

The only six winners and participants of this match determined in these years can be found in this table.
Last update on 2024-02-23 | Created on 2016-07-07

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