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How can I contribute without paying any money?

Question by Mary Lou Weyer | 2013-11-07 at 19:13

I am on Social Security Disability and right now I have a $1.00 in my checking account and have no money until next week. All my money goes to living expenses so I have no extra money.

How can I use your site without contributing money? I could put your site on my Facebook page for a contibution.

22 Votes

What do you mean with "How can I use your site without contributing money"? Do you mean AskingBox with "your site"?

AskingBox is a free service for you. You do not have to pay for any contribution here. Just post your questions, tips, tutorials and so on. It's free.

Of course, if you would like to put a link to us on your Facebook page, you can do it. Thanks.
2013-11-08 at 01:07

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