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How high are the highest High Heels?

Question by Guest | 2016-01-19 at 13:04

Today I had a discussion with my best friend about the question how high the highest shoes could actually be. In other words, how high the highest high heels of the world are.

Is there any limit for what is maximal possible? The highest shoe I have ever seen when I was shopping was about 14 centimeters. However, I think that could certainly not be the absolute maximum, right?

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To answer this question, we must first distinguish between high heels with and without plateau.

If the shoe has a plateau, of course, theoretically any height, you can imagine, as possible. Finally, the plateau changes nothing on the angular position of the feet. I remember some pictures of a fashion show, where 50 cm platform high heels were presented (of course, those shoes are not suitable for everyday use).

It becomes only interesting when considering footwear without any plateau. Only in this case, we are definitely talking about the height that is actually resulting from the inclination of the foot. At this point, we also have to take into account that the maximum possible height a person could wear also depends on the shoe size, because the longer the foot is, the higher it can be raised and the higher shows a possible.

Usual high heels have a height of about 10-14 cm. Depending on the shoe size, there are also high heels between 14 and at the maximum 18 cm where the ball of the foot is still straight on the floor. Furthermore, in the range of 17 to 21 cm, we are speaking of Ballet Heels. In this range, the heel is so high that the ball of the foot can no longer stand up straight on the floor. Instead, in those shoes, you are the whole time standing on the tiptoe like doing ballet. So, according to what you still want to call high heels, those are the highest possible shoes.
2016-01-19 at 14:48

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