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How long does it take to learn programming?

Question by Guest | 2018-03-14 at 15:53

I would like to be able to program my own apps and applications, but so far, I have no idea of programming at all. What do you think, how long would it take until I can program really well, if I am starting from scratch? Is the effort worth it?

2Best Answer2 Votes

It all depends on what you want to do and on what level you want to program ultimately.

On the Internet there are countless tutorials, with which you can write relatively quickly your first programs with simple functions and get your first sense of achievement.

On the other hand, years of experience flow into the work of a truly professional programmer. That's how long it will take to be able to handle bigger projects and write really good and efficient code, and also have all the quibbles and problems in mind that need attention when programming reliably.

Therefore, there is not the "being able to program", but numerous gradations and levels. In addition, a programmer never learns out. Constantly there are innovations and changed conditions that have to be recognized.
2018-03-14 at 16:06

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