24 Votes

How many Oscars are awarded in total?

Question by Guest | Last update on 2023-06-03 | Created on 2014-12-08

How many Oscars are actually be awared at the Oscar award ceremonies (Academy Awards) altogether?

Is there any survey or list of all Oscar categories available?

4Best Answer4 Votes

Altogether there are currently 23 different Oscars, which are awarded at the Academy Awards. You can find them in this overview of all categories at the Oscars.

However, over time, repeatedly new Oscar categories have been added, renamed or removed. Therefore, the number may change from time to time and was not constant in recent years.

By the way, it is not possible for a single film to be nominated for all 23 Oscars, as some of the categories exclude each other. More about that in the question of how many Oscars a movie can get at a maximum.
Last update on 2023-06-03 | Created on 2014-12-08

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