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How often have artificial nails to be re-made or filled?

Question by Guest | 2011-12-30 at 15:21

I'm thinking about getting artificial nails and among other things, I am concerned about the question, how often I have to go to the post-treatment in order to keep the nails beautiful. How often do you have to fill the nails newly or even make them from scratch?

Is there a difference in this question regarding gel nails or acrylic nails, or is it the same for different kinds of nails?

00 Votes

You have to refill the nails every 4 to 5 weeks. Just go to the nail salon, if it is no longer looking as beautiful as it should, then, the people there already know what to do.
2012-01-01 at 12:14

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7Best Answer7 Votes

In general, it is sufficient, if you go about once a month (one say every 3 to 5 weeks) to fill. If the nails are not just broken, it is not necessary to build them completely new.

As the natural nail continues to grow under the nail of art normally, the result is, that at some time, there will be a gap at the back of the nail, which will then be filled by the nail designer. As required, the remaining nail is also brought back into its form and filed accordingly in this procedure.

There is no difference between gel nails and acrylic nails with the time after that you have to go back to the nail salon. It all depends on how fast your natural nail grows. And that varies from person to person.
2012-01-03 at 20:09

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