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How often was Italy winner of the European Football Championships?

Question by Guest | Last update on 2021-07-12 | Created on 2016-06-18

As far as I know, Italy was winner of the football World Cup for four times.

But what about Italy at the European football championships? Could Italy also make to become European champion that often? And if yes, in which years was it?

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Italy has won two European football championships so far: 1968 in his own country against Yugoslavia and at the EC 2020 in London against England.

These are the results of the two games:

  • 1968 in Italy against Yugoslavia 1-1 after extra time, 2-0 after repetition
  • 2020 (2021) in London against England 1-1 after extra time, 3-2 after penalties

The match 1968 against Yugoslavia was quite interesting because in those days, the penalty shootout was not yet invented. Even after the extra time, the result was still 1-1 between Italy and Yugoslavia. The game was repeated and in the repetition, Italy could win with 2-0.

The match for the EC 2020 was also interesting, as it was not played until 2021 due to the corona pandemic and it was also the first EC to be played in different countries across Europe.

By the way, Italy made the second place in 2000 and 2012. In 1980, Italy was on the fourth place after a penalty shootout against Czechoslovakia in the third place match.

You can find more information in the table of all previous European football champions.
Last update on 2021-07-12 | Created on 2016-06-19

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