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HTML: Display DIV Box between words in line in regular text flow

Question by Guest | 2014-04-14 at 18:35

On my website, I have a text in which I would like to display some small images (for example smileys) between the words but in a line. The images are all stored in one big image. This big image is displayed in parts in small DIV boxes (CSS sprites).

Now, my problem is that I cannot make the DIV boxes staying in the regular text flow. Instead, they are breaking into the next line. Has someone an idea of how to do it?

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For your purpose, a DIV box is not fitting, because a DIV is not an element that is appearing in the text flow. Instead, you should get to use the SPAN-tag. It is also possible to display parts of images within this tag but it is better suitable to be shown in line.

Your CSS class can look like this for example:

.textimg {
  width: 20px;
  height: 20px;
  background: url('pic.png') -20px -20px;
  display: inline-block;

And in your HTML text, you can insert the image like that:

Text <span class="textimg"></span> with image.

Above all, it is important to define "display: inline-block". Apart from that, you can adjust the height, width and background like you need it. 
2014-04-16 at 18:15

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