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Is Labello/Lipstick addictive?

Question by Guest | 2013-02-12 at 15:46

Actually, my question is already in the title: Can a frequent use of Labello, lip balm or lipstick in general make you addicted? Again and again, I hear this rumor - but is there any truth in it?

1Best Answer1 Vote

I can reassure you, there is nothing in this rumor: lip balm or lipstick is not making addictive.

However, using lipstick can become a habit for you, so that you are always doing it automatically and secondly, even your lips can get used to the lipstick.

Usually, the lips are producing enough talk and fat in order to stay supple. However, if you take off the lips from this task, because the fat always comes from the outside, they go back with their own production. And then, there is only one thing: forego with the care products for some weeks, then your lips will relax by theirself.
2013-02-12 at 20:11

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