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Linux: Navigate to hidden Folder

Question by Guest | 2016-06-24 at 10:06

I am just trying to display a hidden folder in Linux Ubuntu using the explorer Nautilus.

I know the path of the folder and I know that the folder is existing in a specific directory. However, when navigating to this directory, the folder of my choice is not displayed as icon because the folder is hidden.

Unfortunately, Nautilus is not offering a proper address bar with which I could just enter the folder path. Instead, there are just some buttons, one for each single folder. So, this makes it impossible to enter an arbitrary folder path into this file manager application.

What can I do to nevertheless show and navigate to this hidden folder?

0Best Answer0 Votes

You can just press the keyboard shortcut CTRL + L in Nautilus (L is standing for location). With this, the address bar becomes visible and you can directly enter your folder path. I think, in your case, this is the easiest and fastest possibility.

If you want to permanently show all hidden contents in Nautilus, you can follow the instructions given in this topic.
2016-06-24 at 16:23

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