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May I divide all pills?

Question by Guest | 2018-02-16 at 21:56

I have some tablets here, but their dosage seems to be a bit too high for me. Therefore, I would like to split the respective tablet to halve its effect, for example, from 60 mg to 30 mg.

In the patient information leaflet or package insert, there is nothing specified about splitting a pill and whether this is allowed or not. So I'm just wondering if you can portion any tablet in principle. Or is it rather not that good idea?

0Best Answer0 Votes

No! In no case, you should divide an arbitrary pill!

For some medications, the active substance is not equally distributed in the tablet, so dividing the tablet does not divide the amount of the active ingredient into two parts. Other tablets are designed to deliver their active ingredients over a longer period of time. A division of the tablet may interfere with this mechanism and release the drug completely at once, which may lead to unwanted side effects.

In particular, hormone supplements such as birth control pills, prolonged-release drugs such as opiates or even medicines that are given in the form of capsules, should not be divided in any case. Even if the tablet has a notch, this does not automatically mean that you can split the tablet.

Before you divide a tablet you should definitely ask your doctor and look in the leaflet. If division is not explicitly allowed there, you should never divide.
2018-02-17 at 10:58

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