00 Votes

May I drink alcohol while breast-feeding my baby?

Question by Guest | 2013-05-18 at 00:02

It is beyond question that you should strictly stay away from any alcohol during pregnancy so that you do not endanger your baby. Surely, everyone knows about the sad consequences and disabilities of the child which can result from that.

But what is about the lactation period? Is the consumption of alcoholic beverages harmful to the health of my baby during giving it the breast? Or can I jeopardize my baby with the mother's milk because the milk can also contain alcohol so that I should also avoid alcohol while breastfeeding?

3Best Answer3 Votes

Stay away from any alcohol completely also during the lactation period! The alcohol also gets into the breast milk and can therefore endanger your baby!

Especially in the first few months, it is important for the development of the child, to keep the environmental risks as low as possible. Therefore, do not run a risk!

Remember: Compared to an adult, a baby takes a lot time longer to abolish alcohol. Therefore, even small sporadic amounts of drinks are sufficient to uphold the blood alcohol level of the child! So, even if the mother is not noticing the alcohol in her body any more, the child/baby can still have the alcohol in its blood.
2013-05-19 at 12:16

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