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Mobile Phone shows Data Usage Warning despite Flat!

Question by Guest | 2014-01-08 at 10:55

Since few days, I am the happy owner of a smartphone. I have ordered an Internet flat rate from my provider and actually, I thought that I have done all right and I should be able to surf the Internet unlimited and only with a speed limit after some time.

But today, I got a shock! My Samsung Galaxy phone suddenly displayed a so-called Data Usage Warning! Have I overdone it with the Internet? My provider has assured me that no additional costs will come to me, no matter how much data volume I consume! So, how can it be that I get displayed such a warning in spite of my flat?

0Best Answer2 Votes

The Internet-Flat from your provider and the Data Usage Warning from your smartphone are independent from each other.

Your smartphone constantly measures the consumed volume of data (download and upload) and you can adjust that it displays such a warning from a certain amount on. This warning has nothing to do with the volume your mobile phone contract allows.

More information on this topic and how to turn off or change the data usage warning, I have answered in this question about the Data Usage Warning.
2014-01-08 at 17:57

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