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OpenOffice: Jump to Headings

Question by Guest | 2015-02-05 at 20:52

Some time ago, when I was still using Microsoft Word, I have often used a function to directly jump to a particular section within my document. There was a box at one side of the main window in which there was a least of all headings. With clicking on one heading, it was possible to directly go to the appropriate part or location of the text.

Especially when writing on long documents going over many pages, this was very practical and useful, because you do not have to scroll through the whole document and you can finish searching quickly.

In between, I have switched to Open Office and I am missing a similar function there. Or is there any function like that I have not found yet?

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In OpenOffice, this function is called Navigator. Just click the F5 key on your keyboard or go to the menu "View > Navigator".

Using the Navigator, you can select headings from your text to directly jump to the location of this heading in the text.

Additionally, also tables, graphics and other objects are listed in the Navigator window, so that it is also possible to jump to those elements, too.
2015-02-06 at 23:43

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