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PHP: Regular Expression to Check an E-Mail Address

Question by Guest | 2015-06-08 at 22:43

Does someone know any regular expression I can use together with preg_match() in PHP in order to check or validate an email address?

I have already tried to create my own regex, but it has not worked properly. Can someone help me? I would like to check the user input of my contact form.

0Best Answer0 Votes

Developing a regular expression that really is able to filter all valid e-mail addresses, is very difficult and complicated.

Instead, I recommend using the function filter_var() which is part of PHP and with which you can quite easily and quickly validate an e-mail address.

Just look at this topic. There you can find an example of how to use filter_var() and you can also find a complex regular expression if you cannot or do not want to use filter_var().
2015-06-08 at 23:09

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