04 Votes

Samsung Galaxy / Android Smartphone: Activate key lock

Question by Seaman Ulf | 2012-09-27 at 19:59

I got myself the new Samsung Galaxy S3 (Android Smartphone) and would like to set a different key lock than the default one, because the default "lock" (wiping) seems to be very insecure to me.

At other smartphone users, I've seen that you have to enter a code or that you have to connect some points with your finger to unlock the phone. I would like to have one of those key locks, too.  Do I need an app for this or is there a setting somewhere?

2Best Answer2 Votes

Indeed, the function is a liitle hard to find, but so it goes:

  • At the bottom of the phone, press the far left button next to the the home button. A menu opens, you choose "Settings".
  • Scroll down a little bit and select "Security and lock sreen"
  • Directly at the top, there is the option "Screen lock", where you can adjust all preferences

The default here is "Swipe". You can also select "Pattern" to use the pattern with connecting the points as your key lock, or "PIN" in order to enter a pin or other gadgetries like "Face and voice", "Password" or "Motion".
2012-09-27 at 23:07

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