00 Votes

Samsung Galaxy S5: Screenshot with open Keyboard

Question by Guest | 2014-12-16 at 23:49

Usually, I am creating screenshots on my Samsung Galaxy smartphone with moving the side of my hand from left to right over the screen.

Unfortunately, this is not working as soon as I have opened the keypad, for example, when writing text messages, WhatsApp messages or using similar Apps. Only after I have collapsed the keyboard panel, it is again possible to save a screenshot.

How is it possible to shoot screenshots in case the keyboard is visible on my mobile phone? On my old Samsung Galaxy S3, it was working without any problems using the hands move, I have described, on my new S5 it is not working anymore.

2Best Answer2 Votes

I have tried to take a screenshot on my phone, apparently the wiping is not possible with an open keypad.

Luckily, there is an alternative to create screenshots: Just press the home button (at the bottom center) and the power button (at the right side of your phone) at the same time for a short while. With this key combination, it is also possible to save a screenshot with open keyboard.

If it does not work perfectly on first, try around to find out how long the buttons has to be pressed and care about pressing and releasing the keys exactly at the same time. I had to try a little bit with this until it was working for me.
2014-12-17 at 17:06

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00 Votes

It worked for me when I pushed (and held) the power button a few milliseconds before pushing (and holding) the home button. FYI
2016-12-19 at 15:53

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