22 Votes

Save each Line of a Text File as an own File

Question by Guest | 2022-10-27 at 17:04

I have several long text files, whose lines I would like to save individually as new files. Accordingly, the text of each individual line of each original file should become the content of a new file. Afterwards there should be as many new files as the number of lines before.

Of course, I could theoretically also perform this task manually, but that would be a lot of work with my amount of files and my amount of lines so that I would like to automate this process.

3Best Answer3 Votes

With the TextConverter, this task can be done easily and quickly.

After you have opened one or more files, whose lines you want to save as independent files, in the program (for example, by dragging the files from a folder onto the program), you can proceed as follows:

  1. Activate the action "Files > Split Files" on the right side of the program window.
  2. In the options of this action, activate the option "Divide Files at Line Breaks".
  3. Under which name the new files containing the content of the lines should be saved, you determine in the "Storage Options" at the bottom right. A continuous number is attached to this name for each stored line.
  4. Click on the button "Convert and Save" to carry out the separation and to save each line as a new file.

If you do not want that empty lines from the original file lead to the storage of empty files, make sure that in the options of the action under "Minimal Length of a new File (in characters)" at least "1" is specified. With this, empty lines (with 0 characters) will be ignored.

A detailed explanation of this functionality as well as of the other settings and criteria on which files can otherwise be separated with this function can be found in the tutorial about the splitting of text files into multiple new files.
2022-10-27 at 23:48

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