00 Votes

Should I always unplug a charger?

Question by Ive | 2018-01-04 at 13:57

I often argue with my friends about removing the charger from the phone, tablet or laptop when the device is fully charged.

My friend is of the opinion that the plug also consumes unnecessary electricity power and represents a fire hazard. In my opinion, that does not matter. What is right?

1Best Answer1 Vote

You should definitely pull out chargers from the socket, if you do not need the cable to load.

  • Power Consumption: Even if no device is connected to the plug, the charging cable continues to consume power. Sometimes, you can even hear the whirring when going close to some charging cables. Here you can definitely avoid the consumption of unnecessary current.
  • Short Circuit: A possible fire hazard is kept within limits, but you are definitely on the safe side if you pull the plug. After all, there can always be a short circuit that leads to a fire, such as when the charging cable or charger is broken or becoming broken.

My recommendation would therefore be to always pull the plug. Even if it may be more convenient to leave the plug in the socket.
2018-01-04 at 18:29

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