00 Votes

Smartphone: Files have been queued + Yellow triangle with exclamation point in the status bar

Question by Guest | 2017-11-13 at 08:59

I have a yellow triangle with exclamation point appears in the status bar. Across the screen it says "2 files have been queued". Neither will go away!! What do I do?!

11 Vote

That seems to be your Download Manager. If the download manager hangs or cannot download all files, it gives this warning, that some files are queued/will be downloaded later.

If the Download Manager hangs, go to your Settings > Application Manager and select "Download Manager" from the "All Apps" section (the exact titles of the menus may differ depending on the phone you have). Than you can force stop the app or click on "Clear Data" to make it stop.
2017-11-13 at 13:28

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