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South Park: Does this city really exist?

Question by Guest | 2016-10-23 at 22:25

Everyone knows the South Park sitcom or series from television and Internet.

However, what I do not know is whether there really is a city with this name existing that might have given the series its name.

I have already searched Google Maps for it, but there you can only find a park in London (England) with that name and this should surely have nothing to do with the show.

Does someone know more about it?

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Indeed there is a little town named South Park in Colorado, USA. If you search for "South Park, Colorado, USA" in Google Maps, you should find it. This town is located about 3000 m above the ground within the Rocky Mountains.

In the middle of the "real" South Park there is even the South Park High School.

Because Trey Parker (one of the inventors of the series) grew up near this location and you can usually see snow-covered mountains in the background on TV (the Rocky Mountains), the serial really seems to be based on this location.
2016-10-24 at 16:57

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