22 Votes

SQLite: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP returns wrong Time / Hour

Question by SmartUser | Last update on 2023-11-23 | Created on 2017-03-28

I would like to store the current time in a SQLite-database. For this, I have discovered the constant CURRENT_TIMESTAMP which should provide me with just the timestamp I need.

However, the time is always shifted by an hour. It does not matter whether I am working with a default column value...


...or I am setting the value "by hand":


Both ways are leading to this timeshift and I always get the wrong time with that time difference when trying to read out the values. The strange thing about that is that the minutes are always correct, the hour is always wrong. What can I do?

2Best Answer4 Votes

SQLite is storing the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP time as UTC/GMT-time (Coordinated Universal Time / Greenwich Mean Time). This means that the time is stored independent from the corresponding time zone you are running your computer in.

Therefore, you have to convert the time into your current local time when reading it out, so that time zone and daylight saving time are considered.

You can do that in the following way:

SELECT DATETIME(dat, 'localtime') FROM tab;

In this example, we are reading out the column "dat" from the table "tab".

An advantage of this kind of storage is that the storage is always the same and not depending on the location or time zone.
Last update on 2023-11-23 | Created on 2017-03-29

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