44 Votes

What is a Woo-Girl?

Question by Guest | Last update on 2022-07-27 | Created on 2016-10-01

Recently one of my female friends told me that if she will not find work soon, she will just become a Woo-Girl instead.

However, what actually are those Whoo-Girls and what does that term mean?

Sorry, possibly it is also called Who-Girl, Wooo-Girl or Hoo-Girl - I do not know how to write that. Maybe someone can nevertheless help me.

4Best Answer4 Votes

The expression "Woo-Girl" is derived from the episode "Woooo!" of the series "How I met your mother".

What is meant is a woman who likes going to parties, who has a lot of fun, who is not doing that much and who is always crying "Woooo!" to everything and everyone, mostly in combination with more or less important statements like "Wooo! There is a car!", "Wooo! The guy has looked at me!" or "Wooo! This is amazing!".

Woo Girls are often soft in the head and they are trying to mime the innocent naive woman with this technique in order to score with men. Often also alcohol plays a great role with Woo Girls: the more alc, the more untwisted and turned up they are and the greater is the Woo-factor.

In my opinion the message of your friend is that without work, she is only seeing this behavior as last chance for her. Indeed, this plan can certainly work.
Last update on 2022-07-27 | Created on 2016-10-01

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22 Votes

In my opinion, the thing with being "soft in the head" is not constituted in the series.

Rather, Woo-Girls are trying to cover up private problems, loneliness and so on with their parties and their Woo.
2016-10-01 at 19:41

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