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WhatsApp: Abort automatic backup

Question by Companiable78 | 2017-07-28 at 14:27

Every day at 2:00 h, WhatsApp is creating a backup copy of my messages. If I open WhatsApp at this time or if I am writing within a chat when the backup begins, the WhatsApp window is grayed out and and a pop up with the message "Backing up messages - Please Wait a Moment (X %)" appears.

My problem is that this backup lasts forever and I am often in very important conversations at this time. Therefore, I am searching for a possibility to break, stop or interrupt this backup procedure. Unfortunately, there is no cancel button in this dialog. Is it nevertheless possible somehow? Unfortunately, WhatsApp is not reacting as long as the backup is in progress.

1Best Answer3 Votes

For canceling the backup, you only have to quit WhatsApp as active application.

On an Android smartphone, just click left next to your home button, with which you will get a list of all active applications and apps. After that, you only have to click on the X at the bottom right for quitting all applications.

If you restart WhatsApp after that, the backup spook is over.
2017-07-28 at 20:07

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