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WhatsApp: No more Image

Question by Guest | 2016-09-27 at 19:33

At the moment, I do not know what is going on with my Whats App! Since today, I can no longer see the profile picture of my best friends.

It is looking like as if she does not have an image set. However, that cannot really be the case. Usually, she is changing her images every 2 hours and I cannot remember any day in my life it which she has completely removed her picture.

So, is my WhatsApp broken? What can be the reason for disappearing? What can I do to see the profile photo again?

0Best Answer0 Votes

The fact that you cannot see the profile picture of one of your WhatsApp contacts can have two reasons:

  • The person has deleted his profile picture and currently just have not set any photo.
  • The person has blocked you and therefore you cannot see his or her image anymore.

If you should be blocked, you also cannot send any messages to the contact. In this case, there is only one gray hook permanently and the messages are no longer coming through.

Just try to write her, perhaps you can then learn more about the situation.
2016-09-28 at 10:33

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