00 Votes

WhatsApp: Turning off blue hooks

Question by Guest | 2014-11-07 at 11:54

Recently, there appeared this new Whats App feature displaying opened messages with two blue hooks.

Is there any way to disable this hook function? I do not want to show some people the status of how I have already read or opened their messages. Otherwise, I always get 1000 questions and complaints why I am not responding to this or that message immediately.

Does anyone know a possibility to turn off the blue ticks?

2Best Answer2 Votes

At least at the moment, unfortunately, there is no way to turn of the functionality with the blue hooks.

UPDATE: Since the last WhatsApp Update, it is possible to deactivate it: Go to "Settings > Account > Privacy" and turn of the option "Read receipts". Keep in mind the note there: If you turn off read receipts, you won't be able to see read receipts from other people. Read receipts are always send for group chats.

Additionally, I have a little trick for you: when disabling the Internet on your mobile phone or smartphone (turn on flight mode or disable mobile data), WhatsApp cannot pass the status of your messages to the recipient (Internet is needed for this).

So, if you are first cutting the Internet connection and you are opening the message after what is, there will be no read-confirmation for the sender. However, once you have activated your Internet connection again, of course, the confirmation will be sent.
2014-11-07 at 12:22

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