24 Votes

When and where was the first World Cup held?

Question by Hungry Vision | Last update on 2022-11-07 | Created on 2014-07-01

At the moment, the whole world is looking at the current World Cup in football/soccer. However, I am also interested in how it has all begun.

At what year and in which country was the first world championship in football respectively soccer staged? And which team won at that time? Can someone give me some information about it?

4Best Answer4 Votes

The first Football/Soccer World Cup was staged 1930 in Uruguay.

The winner and world champion of that year was the host itself: Uruguay beat Argentina in the finals with 4-2. A match for the third place was not held.

Overall, only 13 countries participated in the World Cup 1930, thereof only 4 European teams (Belgium, France, Yugoslavia and Romania). Today's famous European football countries such as England, Italy, Portugal, Spain or Germany have not even traveled to the competition (you have to note, that you had a ship trip of three weeks to south America from Europe at that time).

Who wants to know more: In my article about the World Cup Host countries since 1930, I have listed all venues and World Cup champions ever.
Last update on 2022-11-07 | Created on 2014-07-03

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