529 Votes

Where is the STRG Key on my Keyboard?

Question by Guest | Last update on 2021-06-28 | Created on 2015-08-16

Not long ago, I have read a tutorial in which some keyboard shortcuts for the computer were introduced.

Some of those key combinations include a so-called STRG key. However, I cannot find such a key on my keyboard.

Do I need a special keyboard to type this key or is the key somewhere hidden?

46Best Answer68 Votes

This refers to the CTRL key on the keyboard. You can find this key just two times on the keyboard, one is on the bottom left, the other you can find on the button right.

Presumably, a German has written this tutorial, you have found. On the German keyboard, the English CTRL (Control) key is labeled as STRG (Steuerung means Control).
Last update on 2021-06-28 | Created on 2015-08-16

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