418 Votes

Which country has never won the World Cup?

Question by LollyPop

We are always only talking about the winners. For example, we are talking about how many times this or that country has won the football/soccer world championships.

But what about all the other countries that have never got the title? Is there any list of those nations? I would really want to know for which team it has never worked.

12Best Answer20 Votes

So far, only eight different countries have made to become World Champion.

These are Brazil, Italy, Germany, Argentina, Uruguay, France, Spain and England.

All other countries have never won the Football World Cup.

Drawing up a list is complicated because many countries from the time of the first competitions are no longer existing today.
Last update on 2022-12-20 | Created on 2014-07-07

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I agree, thank you.

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2018-05-08 at 13:26

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2018-05-30 at 15:16

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