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Windows: Why can a folder not be named "con"?

Question by Mandy | 2017-01-25 at 22:31

Today, I have tried to create a folder with the name CON using the operating system Windows. Strangely, it was not possible, I got the error message "The specified device name is invalid".

Honestly, I was so shocked, that I immediately pulled the plug of my computer! Now I am writing using my smartphone. For me, this behavior is sounding like I have a virus on my machine. What can I do know?

1Best Answer1 Vote

No fear, that is no virus. It is completely normal that you are not allowed to create a folder named CON on Windows. Likewise, you cannot create folders with the names NUL or AUX.

The reason is that those and some other words are reserved words on Windows. You can learn more about that in my info about why you cannot use specific names for files and folders on Windows.
2017-01-26 at 00:11

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