37 Votes

Delphi: CanvasTextOut: Align Left, Right and Center

Tip by Delphian | Last update on 2023-01-31 | Created on 2013-02-13

CanvasTextOut is a Delphi function allowing us to draw a text on a bitmap. Unfortunately, this function does not support a native alignment of the text. So, in this tip, I want to show you a way, how to align the text left, right or centered using CanvasTextOut.

The trick with this: We determine the width of the text (variable textwidth) and we look up how much space is there for the text at all. Depending on the chosen alignment (in the examples given by the RadioButtons rb_alleft, rb_alright and rb_alcenter), we calculate the variable align, which we add to the margin when outputting.

Here is a full source code example:

procedure ...;
  lines: TStringList;
  i: integer;
  align, width, height, marginleft, marginright, margintop, 
  lineheight, position, textwidth: integer;
  bmp: TBitmap;
  // lines that should be written
  lines.add('This is a text.');
  lines.add('This is another line.');

  // margins
  width       := 300;
  height      := 300;
  marginleft  := 10;
  marginright := 10;
  margintop   := 30;
  lineheight  := 40;

  // create bitmap
  bmp.Width  := width;
  bmp.height := height;

  // write text
  for i := 0 to length(lines) - 1 do
    // Ausrichtung
    textwidth:=CanvasTextWidth(bmp.Canvas, lines[i]);
    if rb_alleft.checked then
    if rb_alright.checked then
    if rb_alcenter.checked then

    // write lines
    CanvasTextOut(bmp.Canvas, marginleft+align, position, lines[i]);

  // do something with the created bitmap

  // free

First, we add some lines to a StringList. These lines should be outputted later. After that, we specify all margins and the size of the bitmap (you can change these values as you want). After we have created the bitmap, we go through the lines and we are determining the width of each lines. Next, we specify the align value for each line and we are writing each line onto the bitmap.


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