33 Votes

Tips for faster Charging a Smartphone Battery

Tip by Mopsi99 | 2013-08-22 at 12:14

The problem can hardly be solved by using a special app: charging the battery of your smartphone or cell phone takes its time. Nevertheless, there are some tips to speed up this process a bit if you are in a hurry:

  • Turn off the phone while charging: The less power your mobile is consuming during charging, the more current can flow into the battery. Therefore, it is advisable to turn off the phone completely during charging.
  • Flight mode: If you do not want to turn off your phone completely, it can already help to put the phone into its airplane mode or to turn off the Internet connection (WiFi or mobile data). This also saves electricity which is then available for charging the battery.
  • USB ports: If possible, you should not connect your mobile phone to the USB port of a computer or a laptop for charging. Instead, it is a bad idea to use an appropriate adapter to connect the phone to the wall socket. The reason for this: the current from the USB port is about the half of the current from the power socket adapter (0.5 A versus 1 A). Therefore, the phone is charging much more faster at the outlet.
  • And if all else fails: In the event, that all else fails and your time is simply too short, of course, you can also operate with some other tricks. For example, you can use a charging cable for your car or you can use a battery pack to recharge your phone on the go.

If you still know some more of the tips and tricks, just write a comment.


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